Want to convert RGB values to the XYZ color space? This tool allows you to transform RGB colors into the XYZ color model, widely used for color matching and scientific color calculations. Converting to XYZ ensures more accurate color representation across various devices and applications, making it essential for designers, photographers, and color scientists.

RGB to XYZ Converter

Color Input


Color Preview

Hex Code: #808080

Conversion Output

X: 0

Y: 0

Z: 0

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How to Convert RGB to XYZ

RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is a color model used to represent colors digitally on screens. On the other hand, XYZ is a device-independent color space that approximates human vision. Converting from RGB to XYZ involves a complex mathematical process that takes into account gamma correction and linear transformation. This tool simplifies the conversion for you.

Steps to Convert RGB to XYZ:

  1. Input RGB Values: Enter the Red, Green, and Blue values, ranging from 0 to 255 (e.g., R: 100, G: 150, B: 200).
  2. Convert to XYZ: The tool applies a transformation matrix to convert the RGB values into the corresponding XYZ values.
  3. Get the XYZ Output: You’ll receive the XYZ values (X, Y, and Z), which you can use for color matching, printing, or further color analysis.

RGB to XYZ Conversion Formula:

The conversion process involves the following steps:

  1. Normalize RGB Values: Divide each RGB component by 255 to get values between 0 and 1.
  2. Apply Gamma Correction: Convert the normalized values to linear RGB values using gamma correction.
  3. Apply the Transformation Matrix: Use the transformation matrix to get the XYZ values.

Benefits of Using the RGB to XYZ Converter

  • Accurate Color Matching: The XYZ color space is used for precise color matching across devices, ensuring consistency in your projects.
  • Ideal for Scientific Applications: The XYZ model is often used in scientific research and colorimetry, making it perfect for advanced color calculations.
  • Easy to Use: Input your RGB values and get the corresponding XYZ output instantly.
  • Comprehensive Conversion: Converts RGB to XYZ using the standard CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage) transformation matrix.

Start Using the RGB to XYZ Converter Now

Ready to convert RGB to XYZ? Simply enter your RGB values, and the tool will provide you with the exact XYZ representation. This ensures accurate color matching for your design projects, scientific research, or digital applications.

Final Thoughts

The “RGB to XYZ” converter tool is an essential resource for professionals who need precise color conversions. Whether you’re working in design, photography, or scientific research, this tool provides reliable XYZ values from any RGB input. Try it now and see how easy it is to convert RGB to XYZ!

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